How Online Group Cards Work
Kudoboard’s online group cards allow you to gather appreciation from a group, delivered directly to the recipient virtually.
Select an Occasion
Pick an occasion for your group card. Style the board in minutes.
Invite people & groups
Watch the Kudoboard come to life as a group of people contribute to it.
Deliver appreciation
Send the group card to the individual or team recipient. For added value, push a button to convert it to a slideshow, a book, attach gift cards or integrate to Slack, Teams, and your Intranet.
Boost Morale, Connection & Happiness
It’s powerfully simple. Appreciated and connected people foster happy teams with thriving results.
Sample use
Sandra is leaving her job. Her coworker Stephen started her a Kudoboard from the office, invited everyone to participate, and plans to deliver the online collage during Sandra’s last day.

Prints, slideshows, and gift cards

Print your Kudoboard
Print a Kudoboard as a beautiful, hard-bound book or poster — we can ship in the U.S. or internationally.

Play as slideshow
You can also play an online slideshow of the Kudoboard – perfect for displaying at an in-person event.

Gift cards
Attach gift funds on certain boards that recipients can redeem for a Visa gift card, store cards (like Amazon, Best Buy), etc.
Something for everyone
Choose the option that’s right for you — from single group cards to ongoing plans.
Looking for a no-frills option for a single board creator? See package options
Company Event
Contact us to discuss your needs. Whether recognizing a departing CEO, celebrating a graduation for a university, or honoring caregivers at a hospital – we’ve got you covered.
- Your logo at the top
- Board export
- Custom pricing
- Tagging, likes, & comments
- Custom URL
- Custom disclaimer
- Proactive moderation
- Custom input fields
- Multiple administrators
- Board metrics
- Embeddable slideshow
- Dedicated account manager
An Online Farewell Collage, Done Right
For many online collage makers, there are frustrating limits. Whether it’s an inflexible template that only allows you one screen’s worth of posts, or a setup that doesn’t allow GIFs & videos; it often feels like you can’t quite make what you want. And if you are thinking of inviting several others to collaborate in the creation of the collage — forget about it!
With Kudoboard, there’s a better way.
Whether you want to create a smaller collage for free or upgrade for unlimited posts, the size of the board is completely up to you. You can add messages, photos, GIFs, & videos from your computer or directly from your smartphone. And if you to invite others to contribute as well? It’s as easy as sending them the link.

Make a Farewell Collage with Kudoboard now!
Frequently asked questions about Farewell Collage
There are many directions to take for farewell photo collage, and it can be overwhelming to know which direction to take to make best farewell photo wall. To decide on what is best, you must first decide on what you want the tone to be. Do you want it to be a celebratory farewell collage full of funny photos and memories? Or do you want it to be a subdued remembrance of what is ending? How you answer these questions will guide you to the best idea.
Understanding the intent behind your farewell photo wall, here are some ideas to help kick-start your collage:
- Collect a funny memory from each participant
Share photo that represents something they’ve learned. - Ask participants to share their favorite picture related to the purpose for the farewell
- Use the Kudoboard farewell collage as a way to collect photos, videos, and messages reminiscing on the good times.
- Compile a list of where everyone is going after the farewell.
Many farewell collage makers, limit you on what you can do with their collage templates and software. Whether that is only allowing you to have a screen’s worth of posts or forcing you to stick to one of their templates, other thank you photo collage programs can be inflexible.
A Kudoboard farewell photo collage allows you to be flexible in the number of photos and design and has other unique features to add creativity to your thank you photo display. These features include the ability to add videos, GIFs, and messages. Also, you can easily invite others to contribute to the collage quickly creating a farewell group photo display. Then once the collage is complete, we provide print options, like a poster or book, if you would like a physical copy of the goodbye photo collage.
The best image is one plays off of the relationship you share with your coworker. For example, if you and your coworker were often joking around then the best image might be a funny picture of you both together, something that represents an inside joke, or another funny GIF or video about something you share in common.
In contrast, if your relationship stayed fairly professional, than so should your photo. The image can be of something you know they enjoy like the beach or cats. I can also be of a project you worked on together or a classy GIF of someone waving goodbye.
To see examples of photos you can include in a farewell collage, check out this example collage.
To begin creating a farewell collage, select “Create Kudoboard on the top right of our webpage. From there, you will be prompted to enter in the recipients name and provide the occasion. Then, to select a type of board that fits your needs and you are ready to begin.
Now you are ready to select your favorite background for your goodbye photo collage. When finished, be the first to post a farewell photo or message. This will provide others with an example of what you hope the farewell photo wall will look like. To do this, select “+add to board” and upload your own photo or video or select from our GIF library. Now you are ready to write your message and post.
At this point, you are ready to invite others to contribute. This can be done by copying the boards direct link or email and invite directly from the platform. In a matter of time, you will see the farewell photo wall fill with farewell messages and photos from contributors completing your collage.
For more detailed instructions, check out this video demo.
No matter the relationship you had with a departing colleague, knowing what to say in their farewell collage can be difficult. Thankfully, a simple farewell message can make as much impact as a long one as long as it has a little bit of personalization behind it. Here are some ideas on what you can say in a farewell photo collage to a colleague:
- “You have been a strong influence on my professional career. I look forward to keeping in touch.”
- “Your new team is lucky to have you on board. Wishing you great succes in your new role”
- “Thank you for keeping me sane and being a place to vent on my hard days. You will be missed.”
- “My dear friend, I’ll miss lunch breaks with you. Here is wishing you all the luck for the future!”
- “You are one of the funniest colleagues I’ve ever met. Your sense of humor brightened up my day every day! Wishing you the best.”
For more ideas, check out this example farewell collage for some inspiration.
A farewell is an opportunity to reminisce, celebrate, and process the close of a chapter. It is also an opportunity to show appreciation and bring up the positive contributions they had on the group or community. Whatever the reason is that they are leaving, a farewell collage is a perfect way build community that lasts past the farewell.
A Kudoboard farewell collage makes creating a group farewell photo display easy. As those you invite to contribute to the board post photos and videos with their farewell message, your board will be full of a celebration of your time together. To learn how to make a farewell collage, check out this demo video to get started.