coworkers saying goodbye to a colleague

What to Say to Someone Leaving Your Company

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    Whether it is your boss, someone in the office, or your favorite colleague, when someone from your team is moving on to new adventures, you may find yourself asked to write a farewell message in their goodbye card

    If you found this article after staring blankly at a farewell card, you are not alone. Goodbyes can be difficult to navigate, and coming up with what to say to someone leaving your company is no different. 

    In this article, we will guide you through the nuances of writing a goodbye message that will stand out and be meaningful to your departing colleague. Additionally, you will find message suggestions so that by the end, you will have all the inspiration you will need to put pen to paper (or cursor to Kudoboard).

    Tips for Writing Farewell Wishes to Someone Leaving the Company

    When writing a goodbye message to someone leaving the company, you want to strike the right balance between professionalism and personal sentiment. However, it isn’t as complicated as it may seem. Following just a few tips, crafting a message for their farewell card is relatively simple.

    Here are some tips to help you craft the perfect goodbye:

    • Be authentic
      Authenticity is key. While it’s ok to use generic sentiments like “you will be missed” and “good luck,” your comments will be more appreciated if you can write a sincere and unique goodbye message. Whenever possible, find ways to be more authentic. Reflect on your unique experiences with the person and express your sincere thoughts. 

      Instead of sticking to clichés, think about how you truly feel and how much you appreciate their contributions and presence in the company. Then, write them in a sentence or two—they don’t need to be overly complicated or lengthy.
    • Reflect on memories
      Specific memories or shared experiences make your message more personal and meaningful. Mentioning a particular project you worked on together, a memorable lunch break, or a funny incident can show that you value the time spent with them. These small, personal touches can turn a generic farewell into a treasured keepsake.
    • Tailor your message 
      Customize the tone of your message to fit the relationship you had with the person—whether it’s professional, friendly, or casual. For example, a more formal tone would be appropriate if your relationship was strictly professional or the person was your boss. However, a casual and friendly tone can make your message more relatable if you are friends. Understanding the context of your relationship helps craft a message that feels appropriate and genuine.
    • Offer support and encouragement for their future
      Starting a new job can be nerve wracking, even if it’s an exciting opportunity. Give them a confidence boost as they start on their new adventure by letting them know you believe in them and that you’re confident they will excel in their new role. Offering to stay in touch or providing your contact information can also show that you value the relationship beyond the workplace.
    • Consider the medium
      It is important to consider where you’re writing and delivering your message, and tailor your comments accordingly. If you’re writing in a physical group goodbye card, your message will have to be shorter and more to the point. If you’re signing an online group goodbye card, you’ll be able to write a longer, more personal message. And if you’re sending a personal farewell email or farewell letter, you can be more detailed and expansive in your farewell.
    • Give yourself time to write
      Don’t wait until the last minute to write your farewell message if you can. Giving yourself enough time to think about what you want to say ensures your message will be thoughtful and well-crafted. A rushed message can come off as insincere, whereas a well-considered farewell will be appreciated and remembered.

    Read More: How to Write a Farewell Message

    A group of coworkers on a Zoom call wave goodbye to a departing colleague

    What to Say to Someone Leaving the Company

    Now that you’ve read the basic tips, it’s time to get writing. But we all know that getting started is the hardest part. To help free you from the chains of writer’s block, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best messages to inspire you to write the perfect message for your colleague. Use these as thought starters or as part of your message to help your departing colleague feel supported and appreciated as they leave the company.

    9 Messages for Someone Leaving the Company

    • “Wishing you all the best in your new role. You’ll be missed here!”
    • “Good luck with your new job. I know you’ll do great things!”
    • “Wishing you the best in your new job. Congratulations!”
    • “Congratulations on your new opportunity. It’s been great working with you.”
    • “You’ve been an integral part of our team. Best wishes on your new journey!”
    • “Our team was lucky to have you, and I know the new company will feel the same. Good luck!”
    • “Thank you for being a great teammate. Good luck with your future opportunities.”
    • “You were great to work with, thank you. Feel free to reach out if you need anything.”
    • “I am excited about this new opportunity for you! Wishing you all the best.”

    7 Professional Farewell Wishes for Someone Leaving the Company

    • “Your professionalism and dedication will be missed. Best of luck in your next role.”
    • “You always had such a positive attitude. It’s been a pleasure working with you. Wishing you continued success in your career.”
    • “Your contributions to the team have been invaluable. Good luck with your new challenge.”
    • “You have set a high standard for everyone here. Best wishes for your future endeavors.”
    • “Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Wishing you all the best in your new position.”
    • “It’s been a pleasure working with you. Your new team is lucky to have you. Good luck!”
    • “Thank you for your mentorship and guidance. Your new colleagues are fortunate to have you. Best wishes!”

    12 Messages for a Friend Leaving the Company

    • “It’s been so much fun working with you. I’ll miss our coffee breaks!”
    • “Best of luck with your new job. Don’t forget to keep in touch!”
    • “I’m really going to miss you around the office. Good luck with everything!”
    • “It’s always difficult to say goodbye to a loyal friend and coworker. You will be missed!”
    • “You’ve been a great friend and colleague. Here’s to your new adventure!”
    • “Work won’t be the same without you. Wishing you all the best!”
    • “Just because you won’t be my coworker anymore doesn’t mean we can’t still get coffee together. See you Monday at 8?”
    • “This is such an exciting time for you, but I still can’t believe you’re leaving. Work won’t be the same without you!”
    • “You weren’t just a coworker. You were a friend. Here is to an exciting new adventure for you and to more years of friendship (without all the office drama).”
    • “Congratulations on your new job. I couldn’t have made it through the workdays without you. Thanks for being there for me whenever I needed you. You are a great person.”
    • “You leaving this job is a cruel reminder that every good thing comes to an end. You might not be my colleague anymore, but will always remain my friend.”
    • “The office will be a little less fun on Monday without you. I hope your new coworkers appreciate you as much as I do. Good luck!”
    A man writing in a farewell card

    10 Meaningful Messages for Someone Leaving the Company

    • “You will be greatly missed, but I’m excited for your future.”
    • “Working with you has been an unforgettable experience. Best of luck in your new role.”
    • “Thank you for the support and encouragement you’ve provided. You will be missed.”
    • “You have made a significant impact here. I just want to express gratitude for the great team member you were to me. Wishing you success and happiness in your new job.”
    • “Your contributions to this organization have been immense and tremendous. I know your next job will appreciate your good work as much as we have. It was a pleasure working with you. Good luck!”
    • “It’s been a pleasure working alongside someone as talented and dedicated as you. Your absence will be felt. Goodbye!”
    • “Your departure leaves a void that won’t easily be filled. Thanks for being such an awesome colleague. Good luck with everything ahead.”
    • “Thank you for everything you did at [company name]. I will truly miss you. You contributed a lot to our company, and we’ll miss your expertise!”
    • “Thank you for your patience, kindness, and the expertise you shared. We learned a lot from you.”
    • “Your work ethic, discipline, and commitment towards the organization are legendary. The company is losing a fantastic employee. While I am sad to see you go, I know you will succeed in your next position. Good luck!”

    8 Casual Maternity Leave Messages

    • “Enjoy this special time with your new little one! We’ll miss you but can’t wait to meet the baby!”
    • “I hope you don’t think about us at all. Enjoy the time with the new baby! We’ll hold down the fort until you’re back!”
    • “Congrats on the new addition! Have a wonderful maternity leave, and enjoy every moment. Best regards!”
    • “Babies are so much more work than what you do here. I know you’ll do a fantastic job with your new baby!”
    • “Welcome to the mom club! Just remember, sleep is overrated.”
    • “Best wishes for a restful (hopefully!) and happy maternity leave. Looking forward to your return!”
    • “Take care and enjoy your time with your baby. We’ll miss you and can’t wait to hear all about it!”
    • “I’d say enjoy a leave full of rest and pampering, but we both know you’ll come back more sleep-deprived than when you left. So instead, I’ll say enjoy a maternity leave full of love and cuteness!”

    10 Meaningful Messages for a Manager Leaving the Company

    • “Your leadership has been a tremendous inspiration. Best of luck in your new role.”
    • “Thank you for your guidance and support. You will be greatly missed as a leader and mentor.”
    • “It is sad to see you leave. The office won’t be the same without you. Wishing you all the best!”
    • “Thank you for showing me how to be the best version of myself. I will always appreciate your mentorship through the years.” 
    • “Thank you for believing in me and training me. I know I was able to accomplish so much more because of your mentorship.”
    • “It has been an honor working under your leadership. Wishing you continued success.”
    • “Your departure is a great loss for us but an exciting new chapter for you. Best wishes!”
    • “Thank you for everything you’ve taught us. I wish you luck in your new position and future endeavors.”
    • “Being a manager can be hard, but your leadership has always made my work easy. We are going to miss your work here. Good luck in your next role!”
    • “Your support and encouragement during both the difficult and the good times were invaluable. We’ll share nothing but good memories of you here. All the best for your future endeavors!”

    Why Is It Important to Say Goodbye in the Workplace?

    Saying goodbye to someone leaving the company is not just a formality. It is important for both the departing individual and those who remain. One primary reason is that it fosters relationships. A heartfelt farewell can strengthen the bond between colleagues, showing that the relationship extends beyond the workplace. By saying goodbye, you are also recognizing the value they brought to the team and reaffirming they will be missed.

    Additionally, saying goodbye provides closure. For the person leaving, a proper farewell helps them transition smoothly, knowing their contributions were appreciated and their departure acknowledged. It offers a sense of completion and can make moving on more manageable and fulfilling. For those remaining, it marks a clear end to a chapter, allowing them to reflect on the colleague’s impact and prepare for the changes ahead.

    Other reasons why goodbyes are important are:

    • Maintaining Professional Networks: By saying goodbye thoughtfully, you open the door for future interactions and collaborations. Maintaining a good relationship with former colleagues is invaluable for networking, references, or even potential business opportunities in the future. 
    • Boosting Team Morale: When a team member leaves, it can create a sense of uncertainty and loss within the group. A positive and inclusive farewell can counteract these feelings, reinforcing a supportive and appreciative team environment. It also demonstrates to the remaining team members that the company cares about its people.
    • Creating a Supportive Environment: Saying goodbye builds a positive workplace culture. In a supportive environment, farewells are part of the company’s rituals that show appreciation and respect. This culture of acknowledgment creates an atmosphere where employees feel valued and respected, knowing that their efforts will be recognized, even when they move on.

    How to Say Goodbye as a Group

    When saying goodbye as a group, it’s essential that everyone feels included and that the departing colleague feels appreciated. Finding a way for everyone to participate in the farewell can be quite a project in remote, hybrid, or larger offices. 

    While you could pass a physical farewell greeting card around the office for people to sign, it is easy to miss people (and remote employees don’t even get a chance!). What’s more, when team members participate, they may feel rushed as you hover over them, waiting to continue the card along.  

    Instead of going through the hassle of passing a card around, digital group goodbye cards, like those at Kudoboard, combine convenience and accessibility with customization. In addition to writing longer messages, colleagues can add photos, GIFs, and videos to their messages.

    Read More: When Should I Send a Goodbye Card?

    Congratulations on the new job messages on a farewell eCard

    An online Kudoboard goodbye card can help streamline the process of collecting messages because each person can access the card where and when they want. This will lead to more high-quality messages and greater employee engagement from all team members. 

    If you still want a physical gift, consider Kudoboard’s poster or book printing options.

    Saying Goodbye is Important

    No matter what you choose to say to someone leaving your company, saying goodbye to a coworker is an integral part of workplace culture. Crafting meaningful messages and organizing thoughtful farewells not only shows appreciation for the departing coworker but also fosters a positive and supportive work environment for everyone.

    Say goodbye with a Kudoboard

    Give a proper farewell to your coworker with a Kudoboard group card.

    About the author:

    Miranda Lloyd's Profile Picture
    Miranda Lloyd
    Staff Writer
    Miranda is a staff writer at Kudoboard with a background in education, celebration, and business communication. She uses her rich experience to help coworkers, friends, and families build connections and bond over the moments that matter.

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