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How To Show Love During The Holidays

Love picture for holiday eCard
Holiday season is here.  At Kudoboard, we like to think that our site promotes gratitude by allowing you to show the people in your life that you appreciate them. In addition to creating someone a holiday Kudoboard, here are a few other ideas for how you can spread the love this holiday season!

9 Ways To Show Love During The Holidays

1) Leave a very generous tip at the next restaurant you go to. No one can deny that being a waiter/waitress is tough job. Let your server know you appreciate him or her by giving a couple extra dollars.

2) Buy an extra meal for a homeless person. When the cold months come around, being homeless becomes even more taxing. Make a homeless person’s day a bit easier by offering a free hot meal.

3) Pay for the toll of the car behind you. Paying highway tolls are a pain, no matter how you look at them. Many of us end up scrambling to gather enough change; save a stranger the trouble and make them smile.

4) Tape a dollar to the vending machine. No one is ever really that happy to be buying food from a vending machine. It’s usually a last resort when we can’t buy real food and our stomachs are churning. However, you can make this a slightly more enjoyable experience by paying for the next person’s snack.

5) Drop off some nice clothes at Goodwill. While donating any sort of clothing is valuable and generous deed, next time try giving some nicer clothes that you don’t wear anymore—rather than that old shirt you bought at a yardsale.

6) Pay for the next person’s coffee in the drive through. When it comes time to buy coffee, many of us are grumpy and focused on caffeinating ourselves as quickly as possible. Speed up the next person’s caffeination by paying for their drink.

7) Make a last minute dinner for you and your friends. After a long day at work, school, etc., the prospect of cooking can be entirely unappealing. Surprise your friends with a homecooked meal so they don’t have to eat LeanCuisine again.

8) Mentor someone. If you’re really good at something, share your knowledge. The best gift is one that keeps on giving, right?

9) Bake cookies for your office/workplace. Sometimes a little sugar is all it takes to perk up those colleagues who always seem to be complaining. Plus, bringing goodies gives you an excuse to binge on sweets.

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