Ron Coley, Vice Chancellor at UC Riverside, retired this past year.
Coley joined UC Riverside in 2014. Prior to that, he served UC Berkeley as an associate Vice Chancellor since January 1998. Ron also served 20 years in the military from 1972-1992, as a Marine Corps pilot, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. During his military career, he helped the Marine Corps adjust to the changing economic environments caused by the extraordinary defense build-ups in the 1980’s and the equally drastic draw-downs in the 1990’s.
To thank Ron for his service at UCR, folks from across the university contributed to a happy retirement ecard for him using Kudoboard. The card was full of wonderful retirement wishes from coworkers, but one contributor wrote:
Thank you for the opportunities and many doors you opened, the encouragement, the enthusiasm you shared to change for the better, the excellence, brand of professionalism, and the passion to improve.
You have ignited a fire in so many of us and we will continue to strive to become the benchmark making a difference in our people, resources, and policies.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you shared both personally and professionally. Enjoy your retirement!!!! All the best 🙂
Check out Ron’s fully happy retirement card here: https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/apKQUlTi
Congrats again on your retirement, Ron. And thanks for giving us permission to share your Kudoboard story publicly — we appreciate it!
The Kudoboard Team
Tips for Creating A Happy Retirement eCard
If you know someone who is retiring soon, celebrate them the right way by creating a happy retirement eCard using Kudoboard. Here are some tips to make it easier:
Start Early
To ensure your virtual retirement card will get to the recipient on time make sure you start early! Virtual cards are convenient, but that doesn’t mean they happen overnight. If you are having colleagues contribute, get everyone involved a few weeks before the person’s retirement Starting early also means thinking about who you want to contribute. Make sure you have everyone’s email so they can add to the card.
Add Media To Your E-Card
Some of the fun with virtual retirement cards is the ability to add media easily. Simply add photos, gifs, videos, and text to make the card special and individualized. Remember, virtual cards allow you to be creative and have fun! Think of the recipient and add inside jokes, fun memories, and memorable times that highlight their time at the company.
Invite Colleagues To Contribute
With online retirement ecards, it is simple to add contributors. Colleagues will love celebrating their co-workers retirement by sharing fun videos, gifs, texts, and photos on the e-card. The best part about virtual cards? People can add to the card from wherever, whenever.
What To Write On A Happy Retirement eCard
If don’t know what to add to your colleague’s retirement ecard, look no further. Kudoboard has made an awesome list of 57 awesome retirement quotes to choose from. Here are a few special ones:
“In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”
– Gordon B. Hinckley“The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.”
– Ben Stein“You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.”
– C.S. Lewis
Thanks for letting us help you celebrate retirement, now go create an awesome eCard for someone you know!