If you’re like me, you will drop everything to see cute pet pictures. It’s even more fun if you get to cast a vote!

There are so many fantastic reasons to create an online photo contest. During the pandemic, we saw Halloween Costume Photo Contests for workplaces that had gone remote. Large organizations like universities or corporations might use a special event board to share photos or memories for a particular event. It doesn’t have to be National Geographic to make a great photography contest. The winning images might only enjoy bragging rights as a main prize (or perhaps a cash prize if you’re serious!). Photography contests are still a great way to bring your organization together and to create an impressive photo gallery.
Planning an organization event? ❤️ Kudoboard is the perfect tool to collect messages, photos, videos, and more.
Learn more about our company event offerings

Our personal favorite might be this Cutest Pet Photo Contest put on by Washtenaw Community College. Students and faculty were invited to upload a photo submission of their pets of all types for this lighthearted contest.
Check out the full Kudoboard photo contest here!
With Kudoboard, it’s easy to create an online bulletin board, shout-out wall, photo contest, or any other custom event board to meet the needs of your organization. A huge thanks to Washtenaw Community College for letting us share this adorable photography contest board, and keep those cute pets coming our way!