We have all signed greeting cards for the loved ones in our lives. From birthday cards to thank you notes, it’s a classic part of celebrating occasions for anyone from grandmothers to coworkers. While most have had lots of practice signing solo cards going to another person, for whatever reason, group greeting cards can just be more intimidating.
Posting anxiety is real. We worry about the group reading what we wrote, accidentally writing the same thing as someone else, or writing the wrong thing. As a result, we often end up just signing our name to a group card, which is impersonal and, really, no fun at all.
If you find yourself in this predicament, never fear! We are here with some guidelines to help you become a professional group greeting card signer in no time! We have some simple suggestions that will help you sign with confidence and show your appreciation—as well as some examples for inspiration. Let’s dive in!
Structuring a Group Greeting Card
Before we explore how to develop content for your eCard, let’s talk about structure. If you are overwhelmed with the idea of signing a group greeting card, we’ll break it down so that you can organize it properly. Once the structure is in place, you will be ready to fill it in with your content.
This may seem basic, but whether your message is short or long, having structure goes a long way to overcoming that posting anxiety.
1. Start at the Beginning
Simple enough, right? The beginning of your message is usually a simple greeting! You can start by just saying “hi,” using the more formal “dear,” or using a more non-traditional greeting like “yo.” You may also include their name.
While small, this intro sets the tone for the rest of your greeting. It also gives your message personality and establishes the purpose for the card. An example would be, “Hey John, Happy Birthday!” It is that simple! Greet the person you are writing the group card message for and acknowledge your purpose.
2. Meat and Potatoes

Now, you are on to the content. After you have stated the purpose of your greeting, add what you want to get across to the recipient. We will go more in-depth on developing content later in the article, but for now, this is where all of your important details will go.
When choosing your content, you may decide to go the funny route, opt for something professional, or take a more sentimental path. Think about the context in which the group greeting card will be read, as well as what will make the message memorable for the recipient. It is up to you, just be creative and have fun!
3. Signing Off
This is where you will wrap your group greeting card message up and include signatures. You have spent time creating the content for your post and you want to make sure you end it on the right note.
This simple task can be ridiculously overwhelming. Overthinkers will have a field day torturing themselves at this part. Is it too lovey-dovey? Is it professional? Is it coming across as cold?
Well, overthink no more. Here is a list of ways to sign off on your message that is probably too long, but you will surely find a good ending.
- Warmly, XXX
- Your Friend,
- Love,
- All the Best,
- Be Well,
- Cheers,
- Chao!
- Yours Truly,
- Sincerely,
- Enjoy Your Day,
- Your Favorite Co-Worker,
- Have a great day!
- Fondly,
- You Rock!
- Best Wishes,
4 Rules of Thumb for Signing a Group Greeting Card
Sign with Intent
Before you get started writing your group greeting card, really take time to focus on what the purpose of your message is. What is the occasion and what are you trying to get across? Is it a birthday card, farewell card, or holiday card?
For example, if it is your coworker’s birthday, do you want to make them laugh, or do you want to make them feel seen and appreciated? Decide your priority and go from there. If you want to make them laugh, share a funny memory or a great joke you know they will like. If you want them to feel seen, share what you appreciate about them or what they bring to the table at your organization.
If you take the time to focus on the intent of your message, you will receive inspiration so much faster. Get focused and let the creativity flow!
Keep Messages Personal

Remember to always make your message tailored exactly for the recipient. You want your message on the group greeting card to feel as personal and natural as positive.
Here’s a helpful hint for creating a personal greeting card message. Picture the person the group card is for in your mind. Now, what are the first three things that come to your mind about them? Are they adjectives describing their personality or work ethic? Is it a memory? It could even be something specific they do in their job that is unique. Focus on those first three things you think of and expand on them.
One of the many wonderful attributes of a virtual group greeting card is the unlimited space you have to sign. There is no limited real estate so feel free to write whatever personal message comes to mind. We wouldn’t suggest writing the next great novel, but there is also no need to be extremely brief.
Keep Messages Positive
A group card should be a positive, uplifting experience for the receiver. Focus on keeping it light. This is not the time to offer constructive criticism or harsh advice for the future.
It’s also best to keep humor light and surface, unless it’s situationally appropriate. Sometimes, when we are thinking of a way to be funny in a group greeting card, we think of jokes that may tend to be more on the “roasting” side of funny. Stray away from that in a professional environment.
Unless the situation calls for it, you also don’t want to be too heavy-handed in a group greeting card. Typically, it’s best to keep the group card light so the recipient feels uplifted on their special occasion—birthday, work anniversary, or farewell.
Add Media to the Group Greeting Card
One unique aspect of an online group greeting card is the ability to add media to your signatures. Here are several ways to do this:
- Add a Photo:
- Find a photo of you and the person you are signing the card for and add that to your post! You could also find a funny photo of that person or dig one up from their childhood for a fun twist!
- If you are looking for an even more personal way to “sign” the card, draw or create a graphic, take a picture, and upload that picture. Adding this bespoke visual flair is unique and stands out from the crowd.
- Add a Video:
- Kudoboard also can upload videos to the online group greeting cards. You can find a video and upload it, or you can create one specifically for the card! Record your message for the receiver or make a video from a small group. It can be funny or sincere; the sky’s the limit for the types of videos you create. You also can upload YouTube videos to the group greeting card as well.
- Add a GIF or Meme:
- Add some humor to your post by finding a relevant meme of GIF to add to your group greeting card. This is a fun way to stand out in a sea of group posts.
- It is always a great idea to think of the person you are signing the group greeting card for and apply their likes and interests to the GIF or meme you post. Are they a diehard fan of The Office? Find a fun meme from that show and post it. You will earn brownie points towards your favorite coworker, for sure!
Get Signing Group Greeting Cards!
Now that we have talked about the structure and content of your group greeting card message, there is only one thing left to do. Get writing!
Whether it is a birthday card, farewell card, or holiday card, focus on what you want to get across, keep it personal and positive, and add some fun media. You will have a meaningful and creative message for your online group greeting card before you know it. Help celebrate those in your life and get signing that group greeting card!
Ready for your own group greeting card?
Create your custom ecard in minutes and invite friends and family from all over the globe to sign.