It’s that time again; someone in the office is celebrating an employee milestone, which means it is time for you to add a message to the group greeting card passed around the office. While compiling messages in a group greeting card adds convenience, it can be easy for the notes to feel impersonal.
Limited by space and time, the card can quickly become a compilation of “best wishes,” “Happy Birthday,” or other generic comments. Therefore leaving the card feeling hollow and potentially without impact.
However, group cards do not need to feel impersonal. When done correctly, group greeting cards can be a meaningful way to build community and, more importantly, show care and appreciation for the recipient.
So, how do you make group greeting cards feel more personal? This article will discuss the various simple techniques you can use to make a group greeting card stand out and tailored to the recipient.
1. Give People the Time and Space to Write Their Message
One of the biggest reasons a group card can feel impersonal is due to time restrictions and available space to write.
Available Writing Space
A traditional paper American greeting card typically needs more space for everyone in an organization to write a longer message. As a result, most people who sign a group card will feel the need to write a simple message to be courteous to others.
When given ample space to write a message, coworkers will be more likely to write a more in-depth and personalized message. Therefore, the group greeting card will naturally feel more personal.
Give It Time
We all know the pressure of wanting to write a heartfelt message on our favorite colleague’s card as the person collecting signatures is breathing down our neck, waiting to take the card to the next person. Whether it is because of a busy work day or knowing a line of people are waiting to sign the card, time constraints can be a barrier to meaningful group cards.
Instead of passing it around during lunch or personally waiting for each person to sign it during the work day, try to find a way by which everyone has ample time to write the message they wish to write.
A digital group greeting card is the perfect way to give employees ample time and space to personalize their signatures. Specifically, when using a Kudoboard online group card, each contributor can post a message from anywhere, meaning they can choose when they have the time and energy to submit their message.
When given the freedom to choose when and where they contribute, messages are more likely to be meaningful.

2. Make Your Message Unique to the Recipient
While there is meaning behind contributing to a group greeting card, no matter the type of message (as long as it is positive), the best way to make a group greeting card feel more personal is by writing a sincere and unique message.
A personalized message doesn’t need to be a complicated retelling of your feelings towards them. A sincere and unique message can be as straightforward or as in-depth as you wish it to be.
Ways to Personalize Your Message:
- Tell them the things you appreciate about them. Do they always greet you with a smile? Are they the one you go to when you need someone to listen to you? Whatever impact they have on your daily work life, no matter how insignificant it might seem, write about it.
- Acknowledge the times the person did something for you. Thank them for the times they helped or did something nice for you.
- Share a memory you had with them. Whether it is something funny, something hard you accomplished together, or an inside joke, write about a time you shared with them.
- Write down the ways they are important to you or the organization. Undoubtedly, they make an impact on your life or the overall functions of an organization. Use the group greeting card as an opportunity to share the effects you notice.
- Think of one particular thing that you admire about them. It could be their dedication, loyalty, or hard work. It could even be their laugh, positive outlook, or unique perspectives. Whatever it is, point out one of the things they do that you admire.
3. Add a GIF Unique to Their Interests
One of the great things about a digital group greeting card is that you can utilize a variety of media in your comments. One of the things you can add is GIFs. How can a GIF make the card more personal?
GIFs can add an element of humor customized to their sense of humor and interests. Do they love The Office? Add a GIF of Michael screaming “Nooo” to their retirement card. Do they love reading? Post your message with a GIF of Jay Gatsby raising his glass to their work anniversary card. Whatever their tastes, a GIF can be an easy way to bring personality to a group card.

4. Add a Video or Photo
To make a group ecard really stand out, ask contributors to include a video message or photo for the recipient. Whether it is a farewell card, birthday card, or other special occasion, adding a picture or video is one of the best ways to give the card a tailored feel.
Adding Photos
Dig through your camera gallery of company events or nights out and find a photo you have of them. Adding an image can be a fun way to share some of the good times you’ve had together and is a great way to build connections.
Additionally, adding a photo can spark a memory you might have with the recipient that you can share to personalize your message.
Posting a Video
A video message is sure to elevate a digital group greeting card. For some, it might be easier to say congratulations than write it. Additionally, hearing the message directly from the contributor can be a more meaningful way for the recipient to receive it.
What is more, a video message adds an element of creativity to a group ecard for those who wish to take it. From having the freedom to fully describe a memory to a video reenactment of something funny that happened, A video message will give contributors another way to express themselves.
5. Add a gift
A card alone can be enough, but for an extra element of customization, consider adding a gift or gift card unique to their interests. Gifts can provide many benefits, including building community, improving relationships, and spreading happiness. By adding a group gift or gift card to the card, you will not only make it feel more personal but also add these benefits.
Benefits of Personalizing a Group Greeting Card
While it might seem like enough to have your group sign a group greeting card to show your appreciation to the recipient, while the thought and effort matter, a group card that feels personal will result in greater interest, more engagement, and, therefore, a stronger community. It will also ensure the recipient feels greater appreciation and care.
Still need the eCard?
Make a group card in minutes and start collecting thoughtful, personal messages for your loved ones.