Work friendships have become such an important aspect of the corporate world. We have evolved to value relationships as much as other aspects of our working lives.
So, when someone decides to leave to pursue other endeavors, it can be difficult for all parties involved. It is important emotionally and a professional courtesy to send someone off with a going away message. It’s also valuable for the workplace to share your thoughts and appreciation with your departing coworker in a going away card.
There are a couple of options to say farewell, like a greeting card or email, but we love group eCards for all of your going away card needs.
Let’s talk about how to create your group going away card.
What is a Going Away Card?
A going away card is a great way to send a departing coworker off with respect and dignity. You can recognize their contributions to the team, as well as the impact they have had on you individually.
In our digital age, virtual farewell cards take the traditional card and turn it on its head. Choose a going away ecard, customize it, invite others to contribute, and send it off in moments. Wish your departing coworker luck with personal messages of support as they embark on their next adventure.
Why is a Going Away Card Important?
It is important to send someone off on their next adventure with a proper going away message. There are several reasons for this value.
One is that it’s a professional courtesy. In the workplace, there are many things we do to remain professional. It is important that we maintain that professionalism as they say goodbye.
Another reason going away cards are important is that everyone loves to feel appreciated. Employees dedicate a majority of their time at work contributing to the team’s goals. Show your appreciation and express gratitude for their hard work as you wish them farewell. Let them know the impact they have had and wish them luck as they embark on their new adventure.
It is also important to maintain a professional network. It is in everyone’s best interest to develop trust in professional relationships so that you can call on each other for your future needs. It is not necessary to burn bridges just because a colleague is leaving the company.
How to Make a Going Away eCard
1. Choose a going away ecard
There are a variety of going away templates to choose from, like sunflower backgrounds or rainy day scenes. You can choose the theme, colors, and background. You can also create a concept for this going away card so that everyone gets the purpose of the farewell card and what they should add.
2. Add a personalized message

Create the tone you would like to see for the going away card. Write your personalized farewell message and add any photos, GIFs, or videos you want.
If you need help with what to write, we’ve got you covered! Here are some ideas for going away card messages:
- I am so sad to see you go, but I know you will do great things moving forward. Congratulations on your next adventure! Wishing you all the luck in your new job!
- Good luck as you embark on your future endeavors! Your new workplace and coworkers are so lucky to have you. We will miss you and wish you all the success!
- What are we going to do without you? We will have some huge shoes to fill around here. Your positive attitude has made our office a better place. Good luck with your new job! You will be missed!
- Thank you for your help and mentorship throughout the years. I have learned so much from you and I will always appreciate that. I know you will be nothing but successful in your next chapter! Good luck on your future endeavors!
3. Invite the team to contribute
Once you have the ecard created for the colleague, invite the team to contribute. Send each colleague the link to the public or private board so they can craft their farewell message. You can send it through Slack or email.
There is even an option to send reminder emails automatically if they have not contributed in a timely manner. This keeps everyone accountable and ensures that no one forgets.
It is a good idea to provide some type of direction in your invitation. If you are looking for heartfelt messages, funny stories, photos, or videos, be sure to make that clear!
4. Add a gift card
If you are looking to send someone off with a little something extra, Kudoboard will let you add a crowd-funded gift card to your ecard. Each team member can contribute what they are comfortable with and your departing coworker will get a great gift card.
This is a great time-saving option. No one will have to go grab a gift or gift card. You can send a card and gift from your own desk in moments.
5. Send the eCard
When everyone you invited has added their going away message to the ecard for your colleague, you can deliver the ecard. You can send the departing coworker a link or email.
If you have created the card ahead of time, you can schedule a time and date for the farewell eCard to be sent. Of course, their last day of work is a great time to do that. After delivery, the eCard will be accessible to the employee for as long as they want it.
6. Further the experience
If you want to take your going away eCard to the next level, you have options! Here are some fun additional options you can do with your going away eCard.
- Make a poster. Turn your going away eCard into a poster. It would be so fun to display the poster on the departing employee’s last day. It also makes a great keepsake for them to take with them as they leave.
- Make a photobook. Create a beautiful book for the departing coworker to take with them to remember their days at your company.
- Make a slideshow. It would be so fun to turn the going away eCard into a slideshow. You can display it on their last day for a fun personalized touch.
Going Away Cards
As someone starts the next chapter of their professional lives, it is so important to send them off with a personal and professional farewell message.
A going away group eCard is a great way to do that. It is easy to create, personalize, and send. You can create some different printable or display options from it. You can also attach a gift card. The functionality of a going away eCard is unmatched.
Let your departing coworker or friend know they are appreciated with a farewell message and wish them luck on their new adventure!
Send them the perfect personalized farewell
Create a going away card from the group to wish them well on their next adventure