When a valued team member leaves, whether for a new adventure or retirement (the greatest adventure of all), a simple “thank you” or “goodbye” never seems to be enough.
When D’Arcy left his workplace, his colleagues filled an entire farewell group card with messages, funny memories, photos, and expressions of gratitude.

D’Arcy, my friend, you will be so tremendously missed at our PFAC meetings. I have saved this image of you on my desktop so that when I’m missing you a lot I can pop up this reminder of how I mostly saw you the last two years. haha! I know this isn’t goodbye so I’m not going to get too sentimental. I expect to still have our valuable phone chats when we need them.
Being so open with your story has changed hearts and minds for the better. You are such an inspiration. I know that our paths will continue to cross along this journey.
It has been an absolute privilege and honor to work with you over these past 2 years. Your bravery and dedication to upholding our health system to be better has been an inspiration to many, and your voice will be forever heard in the HQCA’s work.
We’re inspired by your dedication and patient advocacy, D’Arcy. Thank you for letting us share your amazing farewell group card (check out the full Kudoboard here) and good luck on your next adventure!